101 Very Random Statements About and By Chas.

1. I like Apple Computers.
2. I am very obnoxious about this fact.
3. Self deprecation and I are very close friends.
4. I drive a 1996 Jeep Cherokee 4WD.
5. I own a house.
6. I love horror films.
7. I started going bald about the time I turned 25.
8. I generally keep my head shaved.
9. I really, really hate tomatoes.
10. I wear glasses.
11. I am in love with a straight friend of mine.
12. This means that I am really dumb.
13. I like to go hiking/backpacking.
14. My mother died of cancer when I was 20.
15. I have a major crush on DJ Shadow (aka Josh Davis).
16. Camille Rose Garcia rocks my world.
17. My graphic design hero is Steven R. Gilmore.
18. I have crushes one quite a few fellow bloggers.
19. All my cds are alphabetized.
20. The same can be said for my dvds.
21. It’s been a long time since I have had sex.
22. I like pornography.
23. I have had sex with one woman.
24. No. I didn’t enjoy it.
25. I tend to be attracted to the dark haired fellas.
26. Body hair ain’t that bad either.
27. I was “thin as a rail” when I was a kid.
28. I plumped up when I was in middle school.
29. I have lost 20 pounds in the last year.
30. I don’t like most forms of exercise.
31. I really need to exercise.
32. My favorite beer is Highland’s Kashmir IPA.
33. Guinness runs a close second.
34. I drink too much.
35. I don’t smoke.
36. Well, I smoke a pipe occasionally.
37. I like beagles.
38. My favorite tv show is “The Simpsons.”
39. “Dr. Who” is right up there as well.
40. This means I am a nerd.
41. I played “D&D” in high school.
42. I still have my dice.
43. I want to visit Germany.
44. I want to learn Flash.
45. My first love was a mormon fella.
46. We saw each other for a few years.
47. He is now married with children.
48. Yeah. I have never really gotten over him.
49. I don’t believe in fate.
50. There’s nothing better than a good ghost story.
51. Supposedly, my house is haunted.
52. Nothing too strange has happened yet.
53. I like house music.
54. Synth pop from the 1980’s makes me smile.
55. I am a neat freak.
56. Gotta keep it clean and orderly.
57. I am not a big fan of flying.
58. I nearly bit my tongue off when I was about five years old.
59. They had to sew the tip back on.
60. I had to eat popsicles until the stitches were taken out.
61. I have never broken any bones.
62. I did screw up my left knee while hiking.
63. It aches when there is a drastic change in the weather.
64. I love snow.
65. I love toy stores.
66. Legos are the greatest thing on the planet.
67. I have seen Laurie Anderson in concert twice.
68. Cock … need I say more?
69. Sometimes I wish I lived in a large city.
70. My ten minute drive to work makes me glad that I am in a small town.
71. I do theater stuff … acting and directing.
72. Drag queens? I just don’t get it.
73. Fast food is a weakness.
74. Ice cream is a major weakness.
75. Mmm. Milkshakes.
76. Vodka and whiskey are full of yummy goodness as well.
77. I love mixing and drinking martinis.
78. My friends think I am pretty good at making them.
79. I used to read comic books.
80. Did I mention that I am a nerd?
81. I keep a beard or goatee all the time.
82. It hides my double chin.
83. It makes me look older
84. I have what is called a “baby face.”
85. I hate the term “boi.” Learn to spell, people.
86. Mmm. Coffee.
87. WWE Wrestling is a guilty pleasure of mine.
88. Cookouts are where I make a pig of myself.
89. It doesn’t get any better than burgers and beer.
90. Kissing. I sure do miss it.
91. I am a morning person.
92. I have a bass guitar that I need to learn to play.
93. New York City is my favorite vacation spot.
94. I am in love with Vincent Price.
95. Yes. I am aware he was married and is dead.
96. I spend too much money on dvds.
97. I am a sucker for a nicely designed package.
98. I read the Weekly World News.
99. I have never been to Dollywood.
100. I want to write a porn film and start my own porn company.
101. I will never own a cellular phone.