If you (like myself) are a big fan of "The Blair Witch Project," Haxan Films has a new site up detailing the production of the movie ... from the beginning stages to final release. Check it out at woodsmovie.com.

Friday, July 30, 2004
Thursday, July 29, 2004
The thing that I really love and really hate about directing is the whole audition/choosing/calling part. I love it because you get to meet new, talented people. I love it because you can make some folks very happy by offering them their dream part. When I called the fella I want to play "Sweeney,", I think if he could have leaped through the phone line and kissed me he would have. That's cool. On the other hand I hate it because someone will get pissed when they didn't get the part they wanted. That happened last night. A lady who wanted to be the "Beggar Woman" was very short with me on the phone when I offered her a spot in the ensemble. Ah, actors, ego and the joys of disappointment.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Three days and I've talked nothing but "Deliverance." How sad is that?
In other news: I get to have fun calling 30 people tonight to offer them spots in the show. Hopefully they will all accept and not get all uppity with me for not giving them lead parts. Damn actors and their fragile egos! Er, wait ....
And since the man demands it ...
And since the man demands it ...
Dreams will be made. Hearts will be broken. The show has been cast ... so, hopefully everyone will accept when I start making the calls this evening. Another opening. Another show.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Monday, July 26, 2004
The weekend was pretty busy with me pulling the ropes for "Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" for four performances. That show is now dead and done. Whee! Tonight and tomorrow night are auditions for "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." Yep. That's the show I am directing which opens October 1st. I can't tell you how many times I have had my ass kissed in the past few weeks. Geez. How many folks are going to show up? Who will be cast? Oh, the excitement is in the air!
Plus, I did get a chance to satisfy my 70's horror craving by adding "Deliverance" to my dvd collection. Yes!
Friday, July 23, 2004
Whoo. I feels the need for some gore and horror and such ... 70's style. They did everything better back in the 70's. Didn't they?
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Grrrr. It's Thursday already! Where the hell has this week gone? Oh, yeah ... it's gone with feeling like crap all day Monday. It's gone with getting my office dry walled Tuesday night. It's gone with laundry on Wednesday night. Oh, yeah ... there has been the usual work stuff and my newly formed drug habit. As you can probably tell the drugs are still working their evil on me. They make me feel a wee bit fuzzy in the head. Gotta focus. 2004. The year I went crazy.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Heh. Ryan is the coolest ...
Monday, July 19, 2004
And the weekend consisted of:
1. Sleep
2. "Fahrenheit 9/11"
3. 2-Hour Nap
4. Emergency Room trip for Lynnette
5. Rain
6. Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse
7. KFC
8. "The Simpsons" and "Arrested Development"
Yeah. I'm a weenie and have succumbed to the online promotional frenzy. Click that banner below so I can get cool Cure stuff. Do it. Now!
Friday, July 16, 2004
And this e-mail from the man should put to rest any questions that Dr. Phibes has.
I feel like putting on my 007 outfit and hitting the streets for some international intrigue and adventure this weekend. Ah, who am I kidding? I'm gonna lay on the couch and rest. Ya'll be good.
Thievery Corporation - Incident At Gate 7 [5.91 MB]
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Yow! Titan has released a new film directed by Joe Gage. Plus, it has the irresistible Danny Vox in it. This just might be worth checking out. Mmmm, mmmm!
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
It shouldn't be any real surprise that I have finally gone crazy. After five days, the drugs seem to be working their brain chemical magic. I am starting to feel somewhat human again. I gotta get my shit together quick. "Sweeney Todd" auditions in a mere week-and-a-half. Yow!
I think "The Village" is gonna kick some ass.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Still alive. Adjusting to the meds is kicking my ass. Yea for SSRI's!
Friday, July 09, 2004
Thursday, July 08, 2004
The nervous spells just keep comin' and comin'. So, after being a basket case for the past week, I finally called my doc and begged him to do something. He has. I get to start Paxil CR to see if it helps alleviate my anxiety. I never wanted to become one of the "medicated." I always thought that I could handle the things that life threw at me. Oh, well. Better living through chemistry!
Seems like the record is broken. Haven't we heard this one before?
Wage War on Gay Threat to Marriage
Published on: 07/06/04
The importance of next week's Senate vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment the proposal that we amend the U.S. Constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman is difficult to overstate.
It may not seem like such a big thing just one vote in one chamber about one important initiative among many but the key pivot points of history often don't loom particularly large at the time. Sun Tzu observed that wars are actually quietly won or lost in the temples of leadership before the battle is joined.
And although you can't see the battle to protect marriage as you can a military war, its cultural ramifications may be just as radical. In his new book, "Marriage Under Fire," James Dobson notes that, "This struggle is not being fought with guns and bombs, but with ideas, with creative uses of the law . . . It is a battle for the very soul of the nation."
Many of us feel discomfort at confronting this issue. I sure don't like writing about it. Shouldn't we live and let live? But as Dobson points out, history demonstrates that initial appeasement just worsens the eventual ramifications.
When the countries of pre-World War II Europe noticed Adolf Hitler's emerging aggression, they said, "It's not my business." But, as we now know, it was their business. How much sorrow might have been prevented had they recognized that burying their head in the sand wouldn't help?
Today, we are facing a Pandora-like threat that once allowed to escape can never be put back in the box. With activist judges rewriting the will of the people, it's only a matter of time before gay marriages are declared legal nationwide. And then what are we going to do to restore the will of the people void marriages that have been solidified during those years? Rip apart families who have built their lives around their legal union? It is one thing to fight out the cultural decision now and prevent gay marriages. It is quite another to rescind that right once granted.
If we are going to confront this cultural decision, we need to do it now. That's why, on July 12, the Senate leadership will bypass the usual lengthy committee process and ask for a vote on whether to begin the process of amending the Constitution. A Senate source recently told me that no one in leadership really wants to tackle this issue: It's too politically costly, too divisive. But because of judicial excess, "We can't not act," he said. "Our hand is being forced."
It is important to note that the danger to marriage comes not from gay individuals (as opposed to gay activists), who just want what they see as a civil right. Rather, it comes from not protecting a definition of marriage that has served as the foundation of society for millennia. In areas of Norway allowing de facto gay marriage, the regular institution has inevitably lost its meaning, so most children live in an unmarried home. And since the average gay marriage among men in Scandinavia lasts 1.5 years, most of their children will experience a broken home many times over.
As I have noted before, nearly all social problems from poverty to crime to drug use are caused by family breakdown. As much as we want to be compassionate, and live and let live, we simply cannot afford appeasement. Redefining marriage would not just legalize alternative marriages, but would negatively impact the traditional ones that are the backbone of our society.
-- Shaunti Feldhahn of Norcross is the author of several books. Her column appears Wednesdays.
I can't even begin to tell you just how laughable and (at the same time) terrifying this column is.
[via Chromewaves.org]
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Damn. The chiropractor is almost as hot as my regular doc is. Whee. I now have a couple of cute fellas taking care of me. Dr. Richards (the chiropractor) thinks my trouble may be caused by some pinched nerves. The bad news is that he wants me to do a total lifestyle change. Grrrr. More exercise. More fruits (meaning food, people). More vegetables. I go back in tomorrow morning for another session with his healing hands. [Insert girl-ish giggle here.]
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
The "Evil" one was back in town this past weekend. Crafty of the bastard to plan a trip up when he knew there would be a big party (mine) going on Saturday. Dang. He still is a cutie even if he spouts comments that make the whole room shake their head in utter disgust. Maybe I handled it a little better this time around 'cause there was no drink in my system. Yep. You heard that right. I did not have one single drink the entire time (or the entire weekend for that matter). I really think it freaked some folks out that I wasn't totally hammered or even starting on my way to being totally hammered. Late in the evening with the roomie passed out in the recliner, Jeff and "Evil" and I stood on the back deck and talked. "Evil" hates Florida. He mentioned this more that once as cool mountain air breezed down through the valley. "It's hot. It's flat. There nothing to do. I wish I could find a job and move back here. I never thought that I would think of the mountains as home." Dumbass. You made your own bed ...
I'm going to a chiropractor this afternoon to see what he thinks about my fucked up body. Whoo.
Monday, July 05, 2004
With an "episode" on Friday and near misses on Saturday and Sunday, it's been a fun holiday weekend. Grrrr. The theory being put forth now is that might have some muscles that are so tense and knotted that they may be pressing on some nerves. Did have the annual Fourth Cookout on Saturday and it was really fun ... except for when the roomie got smashed and started firing a gun off the front porch and the back deck. Ah, the South! Saw "Spiderman 2" (really kick-ass) and the local fireworks display yesterday. Sweet! I have the day off today and am trying to rest up some. Whoo.
Friday, July 02, 2004
Blah, blah, blah. Tired. Blah, blah, blah. Uninspired. Blah. Young Guys. Blah, blah, blah. Shower. Sex. Blah, blah, blah. Sex? What's that? Blah, blah, blah. Porno Mags in the Mailbox. Blah, blah, blah. I really need a Leather Daddy.
Hope y'all have a great "Imperial Nation" Celebration this weekend!