Yipee! It's snowing outside. C'mon snow!!!

Friday, November 28, 2003
Strike that last entry ... posting poetry is just so damn pretentious. Feeling a little wigged out after the first "holiday" of the season. Should I give thanks that I saw a "certain person" yesterday after two-plus months of him being gone?
I hate my brain. I want to remove it.
Busy day. Snowbabies are my new friends.
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.
Edgar Allan Poe - Alone
Isn't this sorta like feeding the condemned man his last meal?
"Rain throughout the day with increasing winds this afternoon. Temperature falling steadily into the 20's by this evening. Chance of snow showers."
I can't even begin to tell you how giddy this statement makes me.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Hey, folks. Thanksgiving Day is upon us. Eat too much ... Drink too much ... Take a nap (since it's a day off) ... Be thankful. Have a great "Turkey Day."
The staff here at CGM13 World News has picked our "Top 10 Favorite Films from the Last 10 Years: 1993 - 2003." Yea for lists!
1) "Short Cuts" Robert Altman, 1993
2) "The Sweet Hereafter" Atom Egoyan, 1997
3) "Boogie Nights" Paul Thomas Anderson, 1997
4) "The Game" David Fincher, 1997
5) "Toy Story 2" John Lasseter, 1999
6) "Seven" David Fincher, 1995
7) "Rushmore" Wes Anderson, 1998
8) "Requiem for a Dream" Darren Aronofsky, 2000
9) "The Blair Witch Project" Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez, 1999
10) "Gosford Park" Robert Altman, 2001
How odd that "I Hate You" by Christian Death should become the song that's been downloaded the most from this site.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Fuck. I got a phone call last night that I am obsessing about way too much. Today is the day that "he" returns from the extended vacation. For the record ... it's been since two days before he left that I have spoken to him. For the record ... it's been 25 days since I have received any e-mail from him. The last night ... BAM! Out of the blue he call to ask some stupid question. I do realize that I am being dumb about this. But, it just seems odd that he should call after so much time of not hearing from him and especially since the call was over something so trivial. Now, don't get me wrong. It was great to hear his voice after so long. And that probably is what has me so bugged ... that I am excited that he'll be back today ... that I will probably see him in person before the week is out. I can't think this way. I can't get excited 'cause there is nothing to get excited about. I don't need him as a major part of my life. I have a PowerBook. I have a house. I have lots of dvds and cds. I have porn. I don't need anything else to make me happy. Nothing at all.
Christian Death - I Hate You [3 MB]
Monday, November 24, 2003
Crazy. I just found D. Trull via Lard Biscuit Enterprises. That's sweet 'cause I haven't seen D. in a coon's age.
"Cloaked in meticulously crafted language designed to deceive the public, the administration intends to eliminate the nation's most important environmental laws by the end of the year. Under the guidance of Republican pollster Frank Luntz, the Bush White House has actively hidden its anti-environmental program behind deceptive rhetoric, telegenic spokespeople, secrecy and the intimidation of scientists and bureaucrats."
"Crimes Against Nature" by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Back at work yet again. It sad when you have to use work as a place of rest ... isn't it. The weekend was pretty busy. Friday night was spent giving the house a total cleaning because the dust from the drywalling just doesn't want to disappear. You can dust and a few hours later it doesn't even look like you've touched the place. Saturday was the all day "The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season" Marathon party. Everyone seemed to have a nice time. I invited a butt-load of people but most of them didn't come. The folks that were there had a nice time with the party going from 11:00 a.m. until around 1:00 in the morning. After a day full of beer and junk food, I am little fuzzy on the details. Yesterday my father and I put the first coat of paint of the living room. Sweetness!!! The color that I picked out really kicks ass (photos will appear sometime this week). I will get a second coat on at some point this week and then I will be almost done. All that's left is purchasing, painting and putting up new molding and this little project will be history.
Friday, November 21, 2003
I do realize that bashing Michael Jackson is like beating a very, very dead horse. But, sweet Jesus! His arrest photo is the stuff of nightmares. Y'all sleep well this weekend ...
Take a wild guess which blog turned one year old today. Yep. CGM13 World News has officially been on the web for one year. "Happy Birthday" to me! And, in that year, I went from a "dot com" to a "dot net," lusted after all sorts of gay and straight men, made some pen pals (and even met one in person), bitched about my lack of a love life and even got suicidal during the 2002 holiday season.
It's been fun so far. When I made that first post on November 21 of last year I figured this blog would last about a week before I got bored and did something else with the (what was then) free web space. What I discovered over the following weeks was this was a great way to "journal" in short little bursts. I have never been much for writing (or think much of my writing skills). CGM13 World News has also been a great way to left my friends that live elsewhere (you bastards) know what's going on here in the sleepy mountains of North Carolina.
What can you expect here in the future? More self deprecation! More dvd buying! More talk or horror films and porn! More home improvement projects! More photos of Naked Men! Yeah!
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Man, oh man. Was that last post sad or what? Lusting over porn actors is about as productive as posting personals on the internet ... nothing will ever come of it. Can you tell that I need a date (or maybe just a good fuck)?
The current porn actor that I have a major crush on is Owen Hawk. He is hot, hot, hot (especially with his mohawk in Titan's "ManPlay-08"). The good news is that he's gonna be in more films from Titan and various other companies. Running a close second is Danny Vox. Mmmm, mmmm.
Sweetness. A new ceiling fan is in the living room. The previous owner had this thing for "yellow gold" and it is everywhere in the house. I hate "yellow gold" so much and will eventually get it all out. The ceiling also got a fresh coat of paint as well. I really need to quit this schedule that I have had this week. Work all day then go home and work until 10:30-ish on the house. Tonight I will get to put the primer coat up ... so, it will be "bye, bye" to the tri-color walls that are currently in the living room. I do believe that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (for this project, at least).
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Man, oh man. Was that last post dumb or what? Making fun of Republicans for not being open minded is about like making fun of the sky because it's blue.
"Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. Today's decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court violates this important principle. I will work with Congressional leaders and others to do what is legally necessary to defend the sanctity of marriage." George W. Bush
Wow! The Iraqi War aside, Dubya has to be the greatest leader this country has ever had. He's open minded and everything. Yes, yes.
What a mess last night turned out to be. People have told me that sanding the joint compound (which you must do) would create a massive dust storm in my house ... and they were right. It was all over everything! It took me as long to clean up as it did to do the actual work. But, the good news is that there were only a few places that needed more mud. Those will get sanded down tonight and then the walls will be ready for a coat of primer paint. I made (what is becoming the standard) my morning trip to Lowe's and picked up the new ceiling fan, paint for the ceiling and a few other necessities. Mmmm, new ceiling fan. It has not one bit of gold on it. Yes!
Needless to say, all the "home improvement" left little time to sit down with "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" Platinum Edition last night. What I got to see of the first disc is pretty sweet though.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Dear, sweet Jebus. I just wet myself!!! Mitch and Calvin are gonna be very happy campers as well.
So, I have been debating the last couple of days about writing someone. Yep. That whole messy "personals situation" has risen again. I was going through and removing my listings from various sites the other day, and stumbled on one that caught my eye. Actually I have checked this guy's listings a few times. What caught my eye this time is that he will be moving closer to my area. Hmmmm. I know I should chance it. If you don't try then you never know. Then again, that chance of rejection hangs over me like a dark cloud. It's starting to become my best friend.
Jesus. I really do think about things too much.
Regardless, all my "personal" listings are now gone. I don't have to bear the disappointment of checking various mailboxes and seeing that nobody is interested in an overweight, balding 32-year-old. I'll probably change my mind about this in a few months and reinstate them ... but, for now, it really is the best thing to do.
Oh, well. Another childhood favorite gets totally destoyed. Bastards.
Monday, November 17, 2003
Humph! More suck-ass news about the "Twin Peaks: Season Two" dvds has been posted over at the Twin Peaks Gazette.
Hopefully, everyone was able to catch the hilarious "Evita" send-up last night on "The Simpsons." It was comedy gold!
Since I have been at the bosses, I am back onto my television addiction for a few days. I got a chance to see Wildboyz last night ... and, boy is it scary. Pontius and Steve-O put themselves into harms way with wild animals ... all while wearing as little clothing as possible. So, I guess you could say show has a little bit for everyone. Pseudo-Gayness. S&M. Bestiality. I would have really helped is the show has been the least bit interesting. Ugh. Television just keeps getting worse and worse.
In other news ...
All that is left is to sand the mud that was put on the dry wall and the living room will be ready to paint. Hot damn!
Also ...
It was a pretty social weekend here in the mountains as well ... new show at the local theatre, two gatherings on Saturday and a birthday party on Sunday evening. I don't want to go into the details ('cause I will start sounding like a real nutcase), but I felt like an outsider at all these gatherings with people I have known for years. Honestly, I wouldn't even know where to start to try and explain it. I guess I need to sit down and sort some things out. It's doubtful but maybe something will fall into place.
Friday, November 14, 2003
Argh!!! What a crappy afternoon. My entire work schedule has been fucked because some dumbass didn't hand me ONE sheet of paper with a job that's in process. Time to call it quits for the day and kick back with a beer. Y'all be good.
Well, it sounds like everyone in the country experienced that wind storm yesterday. Yep. We got it here in the mountains as well. The wind coupled with a temperature drop made for a low of 22 degrees last night. With the wind chill, it felt like zero out there. So, I finally went out and bought myself a new woolen cap to keep my bald head and ears warm. Mmmmm, warmth.
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Damn. As you can tell by the lack of posts, the last few days have been "off the hook" crazy around here. I guess you could say I'm busier than a one-armed man at an ass grabbin' contest. Mmmm, ass.
All I can say is that when BJ gets finished with Won2doit, he needs to be sent down here to North Carolina. Mmmm, mmm!
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Since I have been talking about home improvement so much, I am now starting to get refers off those kind of searches. Boy, I bet those folks are disappointed.
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Have I ever mentioned just how incredibly gorgeous and talented I think DJ Shadow is? Oh, baby! He is super fine in my book.
DJ Shadow - Six Days [6.88 MB]
Hey, England ... you aren't the only ones who think so. A lot of us here in the United States don't like him either. At least you all are lucky and don't live in the country he's running into the ground.
In two days, the bosses leave for Florida and am house sitting again. I don't want that to sound complain-y. Who can complain when you get to have a big screen tv, malt machine and hot tub at your disposal for nearly a week. Too bad there ain't nobody to dip into the tub with me ...
In DVD news: We are only one week away from the release of the extended cut, four-disc Platinum Edition of "The Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers." It's gonna have more features than you can shake a small child at. Sweetness!
The color for the living room has been officially picked out. Yeah, I know that color swatch says Ralph Lauren on the back, but I won't be paying RL prices. I am sure Sherwin Williams can match that swatch just fine. Heh, heh.
Monday, November 10, 2003
Oh yeah. Did you want to know what happened over the weekend? No? Well, you're gonna hear about it anyway.
1) Friday Night: I dry walled with dad ... again. All that is left to do is the archway into the dining area and all the dry wall will be up. Then we mud it (about six times from what I am told) and then it's time for painting. Yeah!
2) Saturday: Went and helped my cousin, Lynnette, finally join the 21st century. Yep. She finally got a dvd player ... plus we did some other running around. I had a birthday gift that I needed to get for my niece's 2nd birthday party for that night. Geez. Hard to believe that she is two years old already. I went to the party that night and drooled over the cute, married, ultra-die hard Baptist redneck (he goes to my sister's church). Plus I annoyed my sister's in-laws just for the fact that I three earrings in. Heh, heh. Came back to the house and proceeded to drink way too much way too quickly. Eeep. Then to bed!
3) Sunday: Spent most of the day recovering from said drinking binge on Saturday evening. Ugh. Two naps didn't seem to help me recover any better. Oh well. I got the house all spankingly clean for the combo Lynnette/Jack birthday dinner that we had last evening at my place. We all had a nice time and hung out and ate and talked and stuff. Then it was off to bed for some much needed rest.
And here I am back at work plugging away at my design work and wishing I could take a nap. I am hoping that Dad doesn't make it by for dry walling tonight as I want to eat dinner and rest some. God, I feel old.
The Cure has finally announced the information on "Join the Dots: B-Sides and Rarities 1978-2001 - The Fiction Years." Whoo!!! Four discs of b-sides (some of The Cure's best songs are the b-sides), remixes and songs written for soundtracks plus a 70-page booklet with photos and liner notes! Sweet Jebus!!! I wet myself just thinking about it. C'mon and hurry up January 27th.
Friday, November 07, 2003
It's official ...
Take a wild guess who I ran into while at Lowe's earlier today ... the parents of that "certain someone.". Ah, the joys of a small town. We had a nice little chat and I found out the he is not staying down in Florida. Something about his friends partying all the time, the traffic, the heat and cost of living. Whoo! Time to start mentally preparing. Oh, and that "whoo" is meant to be sarcastic.
Now, don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't trying to imply that I have been down in the dumps this week. I finally seem to have kicked that cold and have spent the last two nights with my father ripping down that final wall and putting up new dry wall in the house. We will finish it up tonight because we only lack three pieces being done. Yes!!! I can't even begin to tell you how happy this makes me. All that need to be done after that is taping, mudding and then, finally, painting. It's gonna look so sweet when its finished.
The weekend should be pretty busy with three birthdays to celebrate ... my niece (now two years old), Lynnette (the kidney stone queen) and Jack. Plus, I have a "care package" to start thinking about.
Thursday, November 06, 2003
It can't seem to decide if it's going to clear off or rain some more. Damn those rainbows. Somehow they always make you feel that everything is gonna be alright.
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Have I mentioned that I am madly in love with Johnette Napolitano?
Johnette Napolitano - Suicide Note [7.45 MB]
I hate this. I am still battling the remnants of the cold that I picked up in Missouri last week. I'm feeling ok, but I can't seem to get any strength going. My arms and hands feel especially weak. I wish that I could take another day off work and just sleep all day long. We all know that ain't gonna happen ... right?
In other news ...
I appears that "G" is coming back here instead of staying down in Florida where he belongs. I am not quite sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I pretty excited because I have missed having him around to hang out with. On the other hand, I wonder if I can keep my emotions in check and not get all stupid over him again. I guess time will tell on this one.
My father is coming over this evening and we start tearing out the old dry wall on the interior wall of the house. Whoo. Here we go with more mess. I hate mess. The story is that dad has someone who can come in and put up the new dry wall way faster than we can, so may the living room won't be too wreck-ish for too long this time around.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Now you can rush right out and get the best movie of the year on video. Yep. "Finding Nemo" hit stores today and the dvd is loaded with lots of extras for us nerdy people with nothing better to do with our lives. If this film doesn't win "Best Animated Film" at the Oscars next year I will be really, really pissed (especially since "Monsters, Inc." got slighted). Can you tell that I have a major hard-on for the folks at Pixar? Too bad we have to wait a whole, freakin' year for their next movie, "The Incredibles" ... it looks like it's gonna be super sweet!
Is it just me or has bad grammar and spelling become the standard for internet personals? Wait ... I think the pot is calling the kettle black.
Monday, November 03, 2003
Eeeep! There won't be much blogging for me today. There is a mountain of work to get through. Ah, the joys of being gone for a week. I did make it back to the record store before leaving the wilds of Missouri and now own Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Welcome to the Pleasure Dome" and Blondie's "Eat to the Beat" on vinyl. Whee!